Thanks for signing up for the Susan Kent Senior Caucus zoom call. We are looking forward to our zoom conversation. Below you will find a link to connect to the zoom call at 10 AM CST. If you have any technical issues connecting, reach out to and we will be happy to help. We will open the zoom link at least 5 minutes before the event so you have time to test out your sound and video.
If you know any others that would like to join us, they can still sign up right up until the time of the event. Please feel free to share this link with them to sign up and pose any questions they might have.
Time: Tuesday Oct 21, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 5883 6233
Passcode: 343432
+13126266799 US (Chicago)
Can You Help?
Small donations add up and make a huge difference. Encouraging friends and family to donate to Susan, is also a great way to extend your support.